ADLAB Solutions

[vc_row][vc_column width=”2/3″][vc_single_image image=”1308″ alignment=”center”][vc_column_text]Adlab Solutions has built a high-end healthcare services strategy practice designed for senior executives and their organization. We combine significant cumulative healthcare experience with customized analysis to provide actionable recommendations. Our partners are actively engaged and remain active in day-to-day work with clients. We invest partner time and targeted research into our healthcare practice, and will continue to invest ahead of client needs

Adlab uses data, experience and judgment to reduce the inherent uncertainty of resource-allocation decisions. We also provide fresh thinking and creativity to determine which initiatives will work best. Across all healthcare services segments, we partner with clients to drive profitable growth by:
1. Revealing the most likely scenarios of demand and supply
2. Improving business performance by unlocking new market opportunities
3. Enhancing organizational agility
4. Supporting higher-quality outcomes at lower costs
Around the globe, healthcare reform has dramatically altered the playing field for payers and delivery systems, putting emphasis on quality and cost with continued pressure on reimbursement. The unique American hybrid payer system (with limited direct out-of-pocket payments) creates complexity, mixed incentives and uneven quality and outcomes. Major change is underway, but the history of healthcare teaches us that evolution trumps revolution. We understand that the system will migrate away from fee-for-service toward outcomes and quality, but this will be an uneven ride by geography, provider type, and overall impact on members.
We also help our private-sector clients develop winning strategies by reading market changes correctly and capitalizing on opportunities for collaborative partnerships with the public sector.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/3″][stm_sidebar sidebar=”577″][/vc_column][/vc_row]